
Do YOU have a memory to share with our classmates? Add one by clicking the button!  A member of the committee will approve your story shortly for all to see!

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First Drug Counseling Group

Weren't we the first class to get a drug counseling group? And who remembers senior skip days EVERY Friday, until the Dean busted us one day!

Laura Horowitz
Sandy and Kelly

Dear Sandy and Kelly - two words... Yesterdaze Tomorrow!

Ha ha wasn't that the silliest name for a pop group ever?

Julie Clark
Arrive Alive

I remember riding to EYC with David and Andy Mathews.  Their favorite game was Arrive Alive, which played on the old 55 MPH speed limit from the days of the gas crisis.  The brothers would pick me up, and as we rode to church down Hanley, Andy would say "Hey Dave, I think we should Arrive Alive."  David would say "I think that is an excellent idea" and then slow down to about 15MPH as we rode down Hanley.  Traffic would back way behind us as we laughed hysterically.

Julie Clark